Presenting Episode 2 of Learn French While Cooking! You can also access the episodes through where you will find the learning resources.
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J’habite à Sudbury qui est une petite ville, dans le sud- est de l’Angleterre Mon immeuble se trouve près d’une rivière s’appelle Stour. Parce que J’habite dans le centre-ville, c’est très bruyant et anime. C’est à cause de la circulation et les touristes. Quelquefois, ça dépends. Il peut être calme le weekend mais bruyant durant la semaine. Je trouve que ma chambre est un peu minuscule, mais elle est douillette et accueillante. Je J’ai eu une plus grande chambre mais elle n’était pas douillette. Récemment j’ai peint les murs en bleu et c’est joli car c’est clair et les cadres que j’ai mis, sont super cool. Je voudrais un plus grand lit et un petit canapé pour quand j’invite des copains. Ma ville a beaucoup de choses à faire pour les touristes et les jeunes. Par exemple : Il y a un club pour les jeunes, deux courts de tennis, et un restaurant s’appelle Café Rouge. C’est petit mais la nourriture est bonne selon mes amis. Il y a un cinéma, qui est assez petit malheureusement cependant dans le centre-ville et ils vont construire un multi cinéma, ça sera formidable. J’espère qu’ils ajouteront une gare de bus ici puisque le train est trop cher pour moi. En plus, la gare de train est vraiment loin de mon immeuble et c’est particulièrement sale. Si je changerais ma ville, j’ajouterais un grand jardin public où j’ai mon propre lopin de terre donc je peux cultiver mes propre légumes pour moi-même et ma famille.
I've taken the Spanish CST in New York State and passed the first time about 6 or 7 years ago. I'm not trying the French test and I've failed twice. Any suggestions out there?!?!
lease take a look at this nice activity set written by a teacher. The video, is just one of many, in French, on You Tube, that captures food and Halloween.
Bad habits are hard to break. A combination of rew...See MoreTo respond to your question, NO ! This cannot be a generalized new acceptance. To the contrary, too many weak willed teachers do not enforce proper penmanship, proper etc. It is the fault of Whole Language instruction and Freedom of expression teaching trends that has come back to bite us.
Bad habits are hard to break. A combination of rewards and punishment can be effective in changing behaviors.
Cordialement, James
On 10/07/14, Anne wrote: > When writing French by hand, a student of mine writes > larbre (instead of l'arbre): without space between l and a > and an apostrophe to the right of the top of the l. She > does the same with all apostrophes. > She writes cést instead of c'est, jarrive instead of > j'arrive, etc. > In France, it is impossible to do so when writing by hand. > L', j', c', m', etc. cannot be attached to the following > word. > Is it true that in the United-States students are taught > that it is acceptable? > Pouvez-vous m'aider ? > Merci d'avance !
Is taisez-vous rude in French? I'm asking because the equivalent in Spanish (my other language) would be considered sort of harsh, and I would not use it with students. Is this the same case in French? Thank you!
French POn 9/17/14, James in Belgium wrote: > Vulgar or rude French is "Shut your trap", Ferme la gueule.
-------->As vulgar expressions you can also say "Ta gueule" (without the verb, literally translated "your mouth") ; There's also the expression "Fermes-la" : literally translated as "close it" (it = your mouth")
On 9/27/14, French P wrote: > On 9/17/14, James in Belgium wrote: >> Vulgar or rude French is "Shut your trap", Ferme la gueule. > > > > -------->As vulgar expressions you can also say "Ta gueule" > (without the verb, literally translated "your mouth") ; > There's also the expression "Fermes-la" : literally > translated as "close it" (it = your mouth")
There website has many samples: pictures and audio files. You will have a least 5 choices for K-6 texts for teaching French as a foreign language.
Cordialement, James
On 10/06/14, Tanya wrote: > Does anyone have a recommen...See More