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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I have been teaching elementary for 10 years but my degrees are in French and German. I desperately want to teach my passion, French, but never can seem to find a teaching position in French. Is there a site that can assist me in this. Also, any recommendations on brushing up on grammar books, I need to take the French Praxis in a few months. Merci a tous!
D The Schaum's grammar book lays out grammar in a straight forward manner.

I don't know where you live...but ACTFL and NECTFL websites usually list vacancies for Languages.

On 10/20/10, Erich Heidrich wrote: > I have been teaching elementary for 10 years but my degrees > are in French and German. I desperately want to teach my...See More
Oct 21, 2010
James in Belgium Cher Professeur,

1) To get a job, you must be willing to move out of state. Assuming that you are in the US, apply for teacher liciences in the surrounding states where you would not mind teaching.

2) Then, go to each school district where life is good and put in an application.

3) Start a Master's degree in the summer ...See More
Nov 5, 2010

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