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I'm a French teacher teaching FR 4 and I have a quick question. I'm not native so maybe someone who is can explain this to me. In the testbook it has this question:

Completez les verbes reguliers et irreguliers d'apres les indications. __________ la porte, s'il te plait. (ouvrir).

Why is the answer Ouvre and not Ouvres? I thought you only take the S off if it's an -er verb when using imperative?

James in Belgium Greetings:

All verbs which follow the -ER verb present indicative conjugation liker "parler" will also follow the imperative conjugation of -ER verbs.

I call them, "cross dressing" verbs: verbs that wear IR in the infinitive but conjugate like ER verbs.

On my Fr. I -ER verb list, I add two of the -IR verbs of this categ...See More
Nov 7, 2010

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