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The SEVEN Fund is pleased to announce a competition inviting K – 12 teachers from around the United States to apply for a Summer 2011 Fellowship. The SEVEN Fund 2011 Teaching Fellowships enable teachers to travel to Rwanda and study enterprise solutions to poverty.

Rwanda is a multi-lingual country. French, English, and Kinyarwanda are all widely spoken. Teachers of all disciplines are invited to apply. The Fellowship offers a unique opportunity to French speakers, especially French instructors, to interact with a broad group of speakers in a Francophone African nation.

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Background: The objective of the Fellowship is to introduce the concepts of business solutions to poverty within the K-12 curriculum. Winners will be invited to spend two weeks in Rwanda, meeting with leaders in the private, government, and education sectors. Individual meetings and trips will also be facilitated depending upon the interests of the winning teachers. For exampl...See More

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