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Due to budget cuts my administration is proposing the following: one "pure" second year, one 2nd/3rd year combo, and one 3rd/4th year combo for the next school year. First year will remain "pure." Rationale is that this keeps the program and students can continue with their French studies. Has anybody been able to effectively teach combo classes? This year I have a 3rd/4th year class but I feel that the 4th year is re-doing 3rd year curriculum. Strategies?
James O'Donnell I propose the following stategy especially if you are in a regaluar 180 day schedule.

Strategy: simulate a Block schedule : ABABA / BABAB

You will spend 75% of your time with one group and 25% is for the second group. The time may be 1/3 and 2/3 if you have a 45 minute class.

All students should have learned in level I h...See More
Apr 21, 2011
Prof James, Your plan is very strategic and straightforward. Thanks. I had a plan similar to this the beginning of this school year for my 3rd/4th combo. By the end of the hour I was mentally and physically exhausted, and no matter how well prepared I was, I still felt that there was too much downtime and students were not motivated to work on their own...See More
Apr 21, 2011

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