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I am currently looking for opinions on French textbooks. I am a fairly new and young teacher, and I have never had to adopt a textbook on my own. Since I am dual-certified, I am now both the Spanish and French teacher. Upon starting my job, the previous Spanish teacher ordered the Realidades series, and I love it! I had previously used Avancemos and Ven Conmigo at another school, and I disliked both. I found it odd that the teacher selected new textbooks that she was never going to use, but she actually did me a favor. Now, it is time for new French books. The previous French teacher used Discovering French Nouveau. This is my first official year teaching French (and teaching Spanish and French together). I am currently using the book and although it’s not bad, it’s not good either. I am considering the following books and would welcome any feedback/opinions/suggestions/etc.: Discovering French Today, Bien Dit, Bon Voyage, T’es Branche (did this replace C’est a Toi?). Are there...See More
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Katie As yet another teacher who has used Bien Dit!, I can recommend it.

Customer service with Holt-McDougal is well done, and the website does come in handy. My students immediately connected wtih the rap videos for each chapter, which was why I even considered the textbook in the first place- I was sent a sample Gramavision DVD before the boo...See More
May 14, 2013
Fren/Span Teacher Thanks for your response, Katie!

Do you prefer T'es Branche over Bien Dit? If you do, why? I've never really had the opportunity to select a book on my own. I've also looked at it. I wasn't impressed at first, but after giving it a second look it didn't seem as bad. I think I prefer the grammar explanations in Bien Dit. It also seems like...See More
May 15, 2013
Louise T'es branche is amazing, engaging, fun and have meaningful activities. My students have been learning so much and it is visibly seen in their writing, speaking, culture knowledge, reading, and listening. You as the teachers to really connect your teaching to the 5Cs. All the books previously mentionned, I have used them all in my teaching career an...See More
Nov 26, 2013
Louise T'es branche is amazing, engaging, fun and have meaningful activities. My students have been learning so much and it is visibly seen in their writing, speaking, culture knowledge, reading, and listening. You as the teachers to really connect your teaching to the 5Cs. All the books previously mentionned, I have used them all in my teaching career an...See More
Nov 26, 2013
Cathy I know this is an old post, but I whole-heartedly agree. I
have used Bien dit, D'accord and C'est a toi. I purchased
T'es Branche as an update of C'est a Toi for next year
because it is the best on all of the points listed below.
I really did not like Bien dit asthetically and otherwise,
and D'accord is really very hard for high-scho...See More
Jun 18, 2015

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