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Help! My district just informed me, 3 weeks prior to the start of the school year, that my French 3s will be put in with my French 2s. I have taught a 3/4 class, but never a 2/3 class. Does anyone have any experience with combining 2s and 3s and if so, can you help me figure out what to do??? I have to try to figure out how to adequately teach 2 separate levels within the same class period. Does anyone have suggestions??
Brian I have not taught a 2/3 combination, but I was a student in a 2/3 combination for my 2nd and 3rd years of French. When I was in French 2, the teacher gave us class on M,W,F,T,TH and gave French 3 class on the other days T,TH,M,W,F.

She gave us the lesson and had us review what we had been learning just like in a normal class. We did board ...See More
Aug 15, 2014

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