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I am a Middle Spanish teacher assigned also to teach a couple of sections of Exploratory French. My own French skill are, quite honestly, at the novice level. The textbooks I'm supposed to be using are ECI's Exploring French and Exploring Spanish, but they don't really have much to offer - vocab overload and very limited support materials. I can create my own materials for Spanish, but the French is a struggle. From what I can tell through online searches, not many people use it. Is anybody else out there stuck with this book? If so, what do you for supplemental resources? Thanks!
James in Belgium I suggest to supplement using videos form YouTube.

Also, why not use the the first unit of a high school text book as a supplemental ?

You can also look at

Best of luck,


On 8/04/15, PM wrote: > I am a Middle Spanish teacher assigned also to teach a &...See More
Aug 8, 2015

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