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Brief background: this is my first year at this school and first year teaching AP.

Right now, because of numbers, there is a French 5/AP class where it's dual instruction (this isn't a problem). The 3rd year (11th graders) in FR 5 will likely take it as AP the next year, so I'll be alternating materials on a rotation (this also doesn't bother me).

Right now, I've inherited Allons au-delà as the primary text which I'm fine with. The students I have are strong enough to engage in the higher level and abstract conversations the book engenders. I'm supplementing structural reviews using old stand-bys like Grammaire Progressif / Grammaire française / Reprise as needed.

Next year, I'll need to use something different for the AP course and I'm looking into everyone's favorite options. I've heard good things about Thèmes, but it seems hugely expensive and I don't know about the used market. I've also seen some people use Imaginez (which I'm familiar with from te...See More
Mark Chris.

I am also teaching AP French this year. I taught AP Spanish the last few years and both courses uses Higher Vista. I really liked Themes. I also use Une fois our toutes as my main sources. Of courses I pull from other sources and have a copy of Allons au dela, T'es branche 4, grammaire progressive,etc.

I use what I need b...See More
Oct 8, 2016
Chris Mark, thanks so much for your feedback. I heartily agree: Bon Voyage has lots of what I consider 'empty' activities in it, and I'm actively moving to switch to something better for the next year for levels 1-3. I had Bon Voyage's predecessor the Bienvenue-En Voyage series in my own HS education, and this more recent one just seems like a redress wi...See More
Oct 12, 2016

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