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Hello everyone well the Springfield Mass Tnet Gathering will
be here before we know it.
Here is the latest info, I just spoke with the Comfort INN
and Suites our hotel in west Springfield and they have now
told me that we no longer require 10 or more rooms to be
booked to benefit from the Tnet group rate they will honour
that group rate regardless of how many of our group show up
so please when booking your hotel room say that you are a
part of the Teachers Net Group.
The hotel info is as follows
Comfort Inn and Suites west Springfield Ma the phone number
is 413 736 5000
The deadline for booking hotel rooms for the Tnet Gathering
is May 28th so please reserve before then.
We have many activities planned including visits to the
Basketball Hall of Fame, the Dr. Seusse Musieum, a night
cruise up the Ct River a visit to the 6 flags Amusement Park
and to the Zoo.
We will also have an evening set aside for chatti...See More
Bill In Mass /blockquote>

Dave: Is there a chat ring just for the Mass gathering, or
are we using the overall one?

May 5, 2004

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