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Sniff, sniff!! My heart is aching!! I really think I am
making the right decision to stay here because my sister's
ex is really, really sick. Lou just found out she has
Grave's Disease. She gets very tired easily and needs me to
drive her over to the hospital to relieve her daughter. The
timing just isn't right this time! We are afraid her ex
won't live much longer.

All y'all PLEASE come to the next gathering so I can see you!!
Be safe and do have fun,
Life aka Elise
molly4th /blockquote>

I'm sorry you can't be there but I will promise to come to
the next gathering in that area because I would love to meet
you. (((Life)))
Jul 1, 2006
Pecos /blockquote>

On 7/01/06, molly4th wrote:
> I'm sorry you can't be there but I will promise to come to
> the next gathering in that area because I would love to meet
> you. (((Life)))

Lifie, I know you gotta do what you gotta do.............but
dern, I will miss you! You are just too much fun!!!!!!!!!
Jul 1, 2006
Skye /blockquote>

I understand, (((((((Life))))))))) I'm sorry to hear you are
dealing with so much right now. I also wish I were in Austin.
Seriously, some of my best memories come from meeting my T-Net
friends at the gatherings I've attended. Every year, now, when
the gatherings happen, I live vicariously through the postin...See More
Jul 6, 2006

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