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I think our biggest challenge in education today is the perceived public opinion. I say perceived as only legislators and those not connected to schools don't have a clue. As for legislators, they are letting someone who wants to line their pockets tell them how good vouchers, charters, and privitizing would be good for education. What the money mogels don't say is most of them that are not public get to pick and choose their students. Even the magnet schools have this advantage.

The other issue is that well meaning people get elected and then learn about the real politics. If they really want to Keep their job and be on a committee, they can't buck the decision makers in their party. How do we change that system?
DeAnn I agree with Rin. Although the legistators are elected by the public, they can pursue an agenda of their own once elected. Their actions and opinions would better serve the education community if they would listen to those within the field for advice.
Jun 25, 2011
wondering There is a burgeoning of corporate charter schools, but aren't most charters state funded? If yes, I think they are good thing, providing jobs for teachers that don't "fit" within the public school sphere, just as many students don't fit within that sphere.

On 6/25/11, DeAnn wrote: > I agree with Rin. Although the legistators are electe...See More
Jun 25, 2011

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