Breaking Bad. I resisted that one, thinking it was not a...See More As I posted below, I've finished all the Doc Martin shows. I loved the scenes in the village and the English countryside, and the accents. It's the first British tv series I've watched. I've never watched Downton Abbey. Maybe I would enjoy that?
Here are series I've seen through to their latest shows, on Netflix or dvd because I'm more of a binge watcher than one who likes to tune into a show once a week. I don't like watching 43 of a story one week then having to wait a week (or months) to see what happens next.
House of Cards. My kind of political drama. And I'm a Kevin Spacey fan. Perfect for the binge watcher.
Homeland. I've been holding off on watching season 3 because I enjoyed the 2 previous seasons so much that I don't want to hurry through the fun of the most recent season.
Scandal. Meh. I got into it, but I don't miss it the way I miss Doc Martin and the others I've watched.
Breaking Bad. I resisted that one, thinking it was not at all something I'd like, but I found it very different from what I expected. However, it reminded me of taking my own children to see the Goonies movie. It started out being cute and funny and turned surprisingly dark, violent and sad.
Mad Men. Another I watched only because I missed having Breaking Bad to entertain me. I thought Mad Men was about mafia characters, which didn't interest me, but I enjoyed seeing some of the inside world of advertising and I LOVED seeing all the familiar 60's decor (I even spotted bed sheets from back in my day, a pillowcase of which I still have!), and thought the plot and stories interesting and the cast excellent.
Orange is the New Black. I was really bored one night, had run out of other series to watch and held my nose, started watching Orange is the New Black thinking surely I wouldn't like it. It turned out to be very entertaining! The graphic language and sexuality were surprising considering it was shown on tv, but I guess that's what you get on premium tv channels on cable these days.
Now for the (maybe) surprising secret: I'm a fan of The Walking Dead. My husband can't believe I watch it. I turn away from the bloodiest scenes.
I really enjoy the Miss Fisher Mysteries from Australia and the Murdoch Mysteries from Canada.
On 12/04/14, Kathleen wrote: > > > Orange is the New Black. I was really bored one night, had > run out of other series to watch and held my nose, started > watching Orange is the New Black thinking surely I wouldn't > like it. It turned out to be very entertaining! The graphic > language and sexuality were surprising considering it was > shown on tv, but I guess that's what you get on premium tv > channels on cable these days. > > Now for the (maybe) surprising secret: I'm a fan of The > Walking Dead. My husband can't believe I watch it. I turn > away from the bloodiest scenes. >
I really enjoy the Miss Fisher Mysteries from Australia and the Murdoch Mysteries f...See More