How about, instead of a role call, we share something that we think is interesting about us or our families or our lives?
Here's something from me: Our youngest has just moved out. LT and I are Darby and Joan (alone). Number 3 has taken himself to a flat in a nearby town, sharing with a colleague from work. Fortunately, he resisted pressure from his girlfriend to move with her. This way he gets to live a more independent life for a while and learn how to manage things. It's a nice enough flat and is on his bus route to work. We can keep enough in touch to be aware if things begin to go wrong again - those of you who have been here as long as me know about his mental health issues - but be distant enough for him to really feel and be independent. Being just us in the house does feel a little odd.
I look forward to hearing something from some of you :-)
NovelOn 12/01/15, Novel wrote: > How about, instead of a role call, we share something that > we think is interesting about us or our families or our > lives?
This idea has fallen flat :-( Never mind. Best wishes to you all xx
The youngest generation of our family all married this year, and to wonderful spouses. Very happy for them, just wish I could join them in the couples club.
I don't have much interesting to share that isn't health related. My broken ankle healed well enough, but now I face somewhat complicated bunion surgery, if I can give in to the concept of being in a non-walking cast for 6 weeks! With the broken ankle, I was - after a week in a regular cast and on crutches - in an air boot that allowed me to walk (hobble, really) without crutches. Our home isn't set up well for wheelchair use, and I'm no longer set up to use crutches well, certainly am not able to use crutches on stairs.
My husband had a total knee replacement in September and the surgery itself went fine, though much longer than expected. His recovery was complicated by scary blood pressure issues that have now been resolved. He's planning to have the other knee replaced this spring.
My hubby retired this fall so now we are working on getting our ...See MoreI don't know if this is "interesting" but I retired in June. I took a giant leap of faith and I love it! I don't know how I got everything done when I worked and my stress level has gone from a 9 to a 1. For me, this was the best decision I have made in a long time.
My hubby retired this fall so now we are working on getting our house ready to sell and to start over in a place more suitable for us. We have been here for 11 years and have no ties to the area so, off we go. Our kids (no grandkids) live on either coast so we can chose where we settle and know that they are only an airplane ride away.
Hoping for health and happiness for all my fellow Golden Apples.
We saw one of my sons in August and my oldest grand was with him. He turns 15 on Jan 3, just passed his driver's test.
Two of my husband's children visited, each bringing a spouse he never met before. His son lives in N California, his daughter in Dallas Tx.
We celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary in November. I keep busy caring for him and 5 pests/ hobbies are reading my online kindle, light fluffy mysteries, coloring books for grown ups, and making "pocket letters" to swap.
I hope to read some more "about me" posts. Happy New Year chat buds !!
This idea has fallen flat :-( Never mind. Best wishes to you all xx