Golden Apples
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My 25yo son left for Japan this morning. He's heading for a conference. But this is not just any old conference. His facebook status this morning said, "Off to meet some Nobel laureates". Yep, it's a conference for young PhD and early post-doc science students and Nobel science prize winners. Each university could nominate 2 people, and of those, Australia could select 6. He's one of the six. One proud mumma here. :-D
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Flacka What an honor and such a wonderful opportunity. He should have some great stories to tell when he returns. Congratulations!

On 3/04/16, Positive person wrote: > On 3/04/16, > > > A HUGE congratulations to your son, Allison! And to his > parents! > > > > Alison/Aus wrote: >> My 25yo son left for Japan this m...See More
Mar 4, 2016
mmp Congratulations on your son's accomplishment. One of many proud moments as a parent.
Mar 4, 2016
Novel Wow - I'm proud and he isn't even mine!
yesterday, 2016
Elaine/ret/IN Boast away, Proud Mama! What a distinguishing honor!

Mar 8, 2016
j.e. On 3/04/16, Alison/Aus wrote: > My 25yo son left for Japan this morning. He's heading > for a conference. But this is not just any old conference. > His facebook status this morning said, "Off to meet > some Nobel laureates". Yep, it's a conference for young > PhD and early post-doc science students and Nobel > science p...See More
Mar 8, 2016

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