Health Education
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    I wanted to share with all of you on the dates of the 2005
    summer Brain Expo in Austin, Texas. July 27-30, 2005. You
    can find more information at [link removed]

    Bowel Movements

    I have a lesson coming up that will discuss health issues
    for second graders. The lesson include vocabulary such as
    illness, germs, sick, etc. My question is what kind of
    comprehension lesson do you think I could teach with such a
    lesson? Thanks for any help you might be able to give me.

    I am a graduate student getting my MS in School Health
    Education. I am doing a project that requires me to survey
    health teachers and ask them why they feel school health is
    an important and why they chose that as a career. I am
    getting really good answers but I would love to hear from
    this chatboard. Pl...See More
    view previous comments
    pam /blockquote>

    u guys are the worst teachers
    Apr 27, 2006
    Chris /blockquote>

    On 4/27/06, pam wrote:
    > u guys are the worst teachers
    u guys are the worst teachers... How about you guys... You have
    some nerve lumping teachers together in such a negative way. There
    are excellent health teachers just as there are poor ones! You are
    one of the reasons why health teachers an...See More
    Jul 6, 2006

    What kind of PE program would you develop for an obese
    fifth grader? Would it be more a one-on-one program or
    could you incorporate it into a group setting? What about
    nutritional help for that child? Is there anyway to
    instill in that child an interest in changing their eating
    habits to develop a health...See More
    Leah /blockquote>

    Sandra, the following article may provide some insight.
    Just click below.
    May 10, 2005
    Sara /blockquote>

    On 5/09/05, Sandra wrote:
    > What kind of PE program would you develop for an obese
    > fifth grader? Would it be more a one-on-one program or
    > could you incorporate it into a group setting? What about
    > nutritional help for that child? Is there anyway to
    > instill in that child an interest ...See More
    May 24, 2005

    does any one have any extra study questions or info outside
    of what the state offers. taking test on may 21 of 2005.

    Standardized Latin Name Specification Test Method Active
    5-htp Griffonia simplicifolia 99% HPLC 5-
    Agaricus Blazei Extract Agaricus Blazei 40% UV-VIS
    (Vitex) Chaste Berry P.E. Vitex Agnus-Castus 5% HPLC
    Alfalfa Extract Lucerne Medicago Masat...See More

    English Name Latin Name Specification Tested Method

    5-HTP Griffonia simplicifolia 99% HPLC
    10-Deacetyl Bacctin 99% HPLC
    Andrographolide 99% UV-VIS
    Baicalin HCL Barkal Skullcap Root 99% HPLC
    Berbamine 2HCL Barkal Skullcap Root 99% HPLC
    Butin 99% HPLC
    Camptothecin Camptotheca acuminata 99% HPL...See More

    Hi, does anyone have a letter they send out to parents
    before they teach Sex Ed? Thanks in advance!

    I am working on integrating more technology in my classroom
    teaching. I teach 10-12th grade Health/Life Skills. Has
    anyone had their students create an I-movie? What unit did
    you use for that assignment? Any ideas would be helpful.
    Shauna /blockquote>

    What kinds of technology do you use in your classroom?

    On 5/21/05, Shauna wrote:
    > I am working on integrating more technology in my classroom
    > teaching. I teach 10-12th grade Health/Life Skills. Has
    > anyone had their students create an I-movie? What unit did
    > you use for that assignm...See More
    May 30, 2005
    Carson Mansfield /blockquote>

    On 5/21/05, Shauna wrote:
    > I am working on integrating more technology in my classroom
    > teaching. I teach 10-12th grade Health/Life Skills. Has
    > anyone had their students create an I-movie? What unit did
    > you use for that assignment? Any ideas would be helpful.
    Jun 13, 2005

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