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this is nilo from india ,i teach at orphange for girls ,we
> are into post card exchange ,its a good way of teaching
> them abt other cultures ,i strted this project in
> vacation ,it brought so much delight to my students ,its
> the best way to teach them abt other culture ,they have
> this dream of collecting 100 of post card aroundthe
world ,
> the places which they can only dream of visiting , plz do
> contact us
Nilo, if you're not getting the responses you'd hoped /blockquote>

It's probably because in the U.S., the majority of students
are on summer vacation. Most schools are closed right now.
Try again in September.

On 7/03/04, nilo wrote:
> this is nilo from india ,i teach at orphange for girls ,we
>> are into post card exchange ,its a good way of teaching
...See More
Jul 3, 2004
nilo /blockquote>

message from nilo

we are receving good response from individuals ,thats prefectly
o.k ,any way thanks for the information ,some body from this
site send us a very rude mail ,to stop posting ,i hope
those ,who are'nt interested can ignore our posting others who
want to contact us ,can clickon above n...See More
Jul 12, 2004

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