Health Education
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Hey all, I am new at this board.
usually hanging out at sub and tennessee chat.
I was interested in reading the PCOS messages.
i was 4 I was dxd with borderline diabetes(MODY) and until
I was 39 I was diet controlled.
when I was 15 i awoke one morning with a beard and
screamed. My mental attitude was changing.
I was fortunate enough after going through biopsies and x
rays and scans to be free of PCOS. My ovaires produce
testosterone and estrogen, and are not cystic.
What I have is calld ODH(ovarian dysfunction hirsuitism
through genetic slip)
I have a chromosome that has a mind of its own. as you know
women have double XX. But in me, on ocassion one of its
legs actually does mutate depending on the testosterone
We discovered it through a brazilian genetisist back in
Lucky for me.
I was fortunate enough to be placed and able to take Ortho
novum 1/35. For 12 years I was ...See More

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