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I am 5'7".
In 2001, I weighed 278 lbs.
Changed my eating habits.
Now, in 2005, I weigh 240 lbs.
I have begin walking, some outside, some on treadmill.
I also lift light dumb bells. About 6 or 7 lbs.

My question, my stomach sags. If I do crunches, will that
be enough to pull in my stomach? I will not have surgery
done, unless it becomes a health factor. Are there other
exercises you can recommend to help pull in my stomach? I
have one of those "ab rollers" that you grab the handles on
either side and roll out and back in. Will that help any?

I have been told that, if you are heavy for too long,
surgery may be the only way to pull my stomach in -- that
the elasticity in my stomach muscles cannot bounce back on
its own.

I will post this on the PE board as well. Thanks in advance.
abs of aluminum /blockquote>

The ab roller thing is unnecessary. You can make your abs
burn sitting upright in a chair. I'm not exactly sure what
to tell you. Maybe you should lose some more weight. Try
Atkins or something. Google for a BMI calculator. You're
overweight. The dumb bells won't really help your abs.
How "strenuous" is ...See More
Jan 14, 2005
MarkB/GA /blockquote>

Thank you for your advice. I will seriously consider the things
you suggested. I have heard that a gradual weight loss is more
likely to stay off than a major weight loss. But, I do plan to
intensify my work out. Thank you for your reply.


On 1/14/05, abs of aluminum wrote:
> The ab ...See More
Jan 16, 2005
Shari77 /blockquote>

Check out the ABS Diet by the editor of (I believe) "Mens
Magazine". What is your diet like? Do you spread the
calories out during the day or just eat 3 large meals? If
you eat less more often, I think it would help. I have the
same problems though with my stomach. I am not overweight,
but I am overfat a...See More
Apr 16, 2005

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