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hi. i am kris schmitz of Lansdale pennsylvania. i am 14,
and have been looking at colleges in my area. very few
have a physical education major offered, and i can not
afford to go to a college out of state. please help me
find a college in Pennsylvania.
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Jeffrey Charney On 2/12/05, kris schmitz wrote: > hi. i am kris schmitz of Lansdale pennsylvania. i am 14, > and have been looking at colleges in my area. very few > have a physical education major offered, and i can not > afford to go to a college out of state. please help me > find a college in Pennsylvania.

Hey Kris.. Temple, Eastern Uni...See More
Jul 15, 2008
TJ On 6/25/07, Jason wrote: > Please somebody I need some advice, I am a 23 year old > communications graduate with a business minor from a small > University in PA. I always wanted to teach but when I first > applied to schools I didn't have the grades to get into the > education programs. I had plans to go into the military but was &g...See More
Aug 19, 2008
Deedlebum Hi Jason. I've been teaching Health and Phys.Ed. for 25 years. Teaching is a noble profession, but it is not for the faint of heart. You do need book smarts... especially if you are going to teach Health, which most PE teachers do; and depending on what you would be teaching, you will need very specific information on various activities. You also n...See More
Nov 5, 2008
Bash On 2/12/05, kris schmitz wrote: > hi. i am kris schmitz of Lansdale pennsylvania. i am 14, > and have been looking at colleges in my area. very few > have a physical education major offered, and i can not > afford to go to a college out of state. please help me > find a college in Pennsylvania.

Hi Chris look into East Stroud...See More
Jan 7, 2009
Bobbie Cooley Hi I am a military spouse and want to become a PE teacher. My problem is that I need to do this via online degree. I was told to go into BASS/ED but now I'm not so sure this would be the best approach. Would this be a waste of money/time and is there a better online degree to persue? Kinesiology and Physical Education isn't exactly distance-learnin...See More
Jan 29, 2009

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