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Dear Friends in Texas and Elsewhere,

-- Are you worried that sex education in your public
schools is not working or are you happy with the current
state of sex education in Texas?

-- Has your school district adopted an abstinence-only
policy? Are you a fan of this policy?

-- Are you a concerned teacher, parent, or student
involved in one of these school-sponsored or federally
funded programs?

If answered “yes” to any of these questions, I would love
to talk with you about your experience.


My name is Jason, and I am a law student at New York
University School of Law. I am writing a scholarly article
about abstinence-only programs, both on the national level
and in Texas. My article does not take one particular
slant at the moment, but your *honest* insight will help
me with my research. NOT ONLY IS THIS A GREAT...See More

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