Health Education
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I am a graduate student getting my MS in School Health
Education. I am doing a project that requires me to survey
health teachers and ask them why they feel school health is
an important and why they chose that as a career. I am
getting really good answers but I would love to hear from
this chatboard. Please include the state you live you with
your response. Pleas do not give me schools or names!

Thank You
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Isabella /blockquote>

Unfortunately, I am not a health teacher, but I am a special
ed. teacher. Prior to becoming a special ed. teacher, I
taught nutition under a project called Bronx Health Reach, and
I also held consultations with individual clients under an
organization called Personal Training Institute where I worked
as ...See More
Jul 3, 2005
Isabella /blockquote>

Unfortunately, I am not a health teacher, but I am a special
ed. teacher. Prior to becoming a special ed. teacher, I
taught nutition under a project called Bronx Health Reach, and
I also held consultations with individual clients under an
organization called Personal Training Institute where I worked
as ...See More
Jul 3, 2005
Carson Mansfield /blockquote>

THANK YOU!!! I find it hard to believe that most people don't
understand the importance of good nutrition. We have seen peoples
health completely turned around.... [link removed]
Apr 2, 2006
pam /blockquote>

u guys are the worst teachers
Apr 27, 2006
Chris /blockquote>

On 4/27/06, pam wrote:
> u guys are the worst teachers
u guys are the worst teachers... How about you guys... You have
some nerve lumping teachers together in such a negative way. There
are excellent health teachers just as there are poor ones! You are
one of the reasons why health teachers an...See More
Jul 6, 2006

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