Health Education
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I am a new health teacher. I am teaching one section of
high school health. I am trying to make it an interesting
class and avoid the standard read the text and answer the
questions approach.

Please supply me with sources of interesting non-textbook
worksheets and other high school health related issues.

Sara /blockquote>

On 8/15/05, Dalllas health teacher wrote:
> I am a new health teacher. I am teaching one section of
> high school health. I am trying to make it an interesting
> class and avoid the standard read the text and answer the
> questions approach.
> Please supply me with sources of inter...See More
Aug 22, 2005
Dalllas health teacher /blockquote>

On 8/22/05, Sara wrote:
> On 8/15/05, Dalllas health teacher wrote:
>> I am a new health teacher. I am teaching one section of
>> high school health. I am trying to make it an interesting
>> class and avoid the standard read the text and answer the
>> questions approach.
>...See More
Aug 23, 2005
Mark /blockquote>

On 8/15/05, Dalllas health teacher wrote:
> I am a new health teacher. I am teaching one section of
> high school health. I am trying to make it an interesting
> class and avoid the standard read the text and answer the
> questions approach.
> Please supply me with sources of inter...See More
Oct 14, 2005

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