Health Education
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Hi there, I will be a new teacher soon . I will be teaching
highschool health. My question for all you teachers out
there is; I am greatly concerned with physical fitness
levels in children these days. So do the kids like to do
hands on activities,as far as accessing activity levels,
exercising ideas in class, going over nutrional needs. Do
the kids like to do this, or do they not even want to talk
about exercising? thanks guys!!
DANA STANFIELD /blockquote>

On 1/30/06, CAROL HALLIBURTON wrote:
> Hi there, I will be a new teacher soon . I will be teaching
> highschool health. My question for all you teachers out
> there is; I am greatly concerned with physical fitness
> levels in children these days. So do the kids like to do
> hands on activities...See More
Feb 1, 2006

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