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Product Specification : 60% HCA
Latin Name: Garcinia Cambogia.
Product Type: Fine gray white powdered extract
Part of the Plant Used: Fruit
Extract Method: Grain Alcohol/Water

What is Garcinia Cambogia extract?
Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), is the active ingredient
extracted from the rind of a little pumpkin-like fruit,
Garcinia cambogia, from India and Southeast Asia. Dietary
supplements and a wide variety of weight loss formulas,
contain Garcinia extract to inhibit fat production and
suppress appetite. A number of products include extracts
(about 50% HCA) under the brand names Citrin (Sabinsa) and
CitriMax (InterHealth) and a new one called Regulator is a
98% pure potassium HCA from a small Irish supplement

HCA can inhibit an enzyme in cells, citrate lyase, which
is needed for the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. In
the cell, carbohydrates are broken down into c...See More

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