Health Education
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Great information on this message board. As a teacher of
the littlest of learners I have observed quite a
correlation over the years between high glycemic and low
glycemic diets and hyperactive, moody children and children
who are quite content and focused.

I decided to compare my observations with the nutritional
scientific community who measure every nutrient within the
human body, how they work individually and in tandem with
other nutrients, and of course, how chemicals can throw our
entire metabolism out of whack.

I am in complete awe that we are still feeding our children
processed foods that the body identifies as ready to roll,
emitting a rush of insulin (and compensatory adrenaline
response) that in little children has an effect 10 times
that of an adults.

Little Learner’s Fact: High glucose diet induces

All major dietary carbohydrates contain gluco...See More

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