Health Education
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Hi all,

Wanted to invite you to a new Web resource for teachers
looking to incoroporate health and nutrition into their

The site is modeled after Namaste Charter School, an award-
winning school that has attracted national attention by
health professionals and educators. We've been lucky to be
able to develop our entire school around the idea that
nutrition and physical fitness can lead to academic
excellence. We've instituted some innovative programs.
And we've seen tremendous results. We've had many of our
teacher friends from around the country call us to find out
what we've done, but it's been virtually impossible for us
to respond to everyone's queries.

We're now sharing our unique approach at
[link removed].

Together we can make a difference in the lives of our
children. Hope you'll visit and find it useful -
[link removed].

Best wishes, ...See More
Leah /blockquote>

There is a reproducible health activity found by clicking below and on Activities -
Health. Also, there is a Drug Awareness curriculum found under Programs, and a
book on Health found under Books below. All of the materials are appropriate for
K - 2 and found to be scientifically accurate.
Dec 3, 2006

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