Health Education
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This is my first year teaching. I'm a 43 year old who
changed careers. For the past 20 years I worked in a
health-related field (not nursing, not patient care). I
always thought I wanted to teach so I got my certification
(I'm in Texas)and now teach kindergarten. My opinion at
this moment is that this is definitely not the grade level
I want to be at. I want kids who are independent, can
carry on a conversation, etc. I do like the medical field
and find health and medical topics to be very interesting.
I have looked at the sample questions that are on the
certification exam given in texas for Health EC-12. I find
that the questions are about topics I'm interested in, as
well as know about because of my past career. Am I crazy
for thinking of moving from kindergarten to junior high or
high school?. I always thought the person who teaches
health would be a nurse. Is this incorrect? I'm pretty
sure th...See More

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