Health Education
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Does anyone have advice or experience teaching about the
food pyramid? Any help would be much appreciated.
Brenda /blockquote>

There are some exercises at [link removed]

You can put in what you ate for a day and have the program
analyze the nutrient content of your diet.

You can also compare the traditional diets of various
peoples around the world, identify deficiencies, and discuss
the social and economic factors aff...See More
Feb 13, 2007
Brenda /blockquote>

Classroom materials for nutrition are available at:

[link removed]


[link removed]
Feb 13, 2007
Brenda /blockquote>

I was mistaken in an earlier response. The exercise that
has students compare traditional diets, analyze nutrient
deficiencies, and identify social, economic, and other
factors affecting their diets is actually on the PBS
website, but it utilizes to analyze the

[link ...See More
Feb 13, 2007
Jerry /blockquote>

On the Nutrition page on my website ([link removed].
Feb 13, 2007

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