Health Education
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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some ideas for a Health lesson geared to
grades 7-10.
The expectation I was looking at was "Identify the
physical, emotional, interpersonal and spirtual aspects of
healthy sexuality. (respect for life, ethical questions in
relationships, contraception). AND/OR

Apply living skills (decision making, problem-solving and
refusal skills) to respond to matters related to sexuality.

I was thinking of giving out some role-play situations for
the students to act out.

Any advice would be appreciated (e.g., any websites that
may help)

Brenda /blockquote>

[link removed]
Feb 13, 2007
Brenda /blockquote>

[link removed]
Feb 13, 2007
Brenda /blockquote>

Online films made by teens for teens:

[link removed]
Feb 13, 2007

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