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Is anyone else having problems being in a classroom of
students marinating in fragranced products? Is your
classroom making you sick? Do you need a Fragrance Free
Environment? This is a huge problem for many teachers and
students and it is getting worse with every new fragranced
product that hits the shelf!
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Allergic to fragrances, too I just write it as part of my classroom policy. "No fragrances, please, due to health condition" in my syllabus and Newsletters. Many students are asthmatic and have allergies, too. I've sent students to the back of the room, or to the restroom to wash, since they know it is a class policy. If it persists, I send them to the office for insubordinat...See More
Dec 10, 2008
julie mellum On 12/10/08, Allergic to fragrances, too wrote: > I just write it as part of my classroom policy. "No > fragrances, please, due to health condition" in my syllabus > and Newsletters. Many students are asthmatic and have > allergies, too. I've sent students to the back of the room, or > to the restroom to wash, since they know it is a...See More
Jan 22, 2009
Robin Kearkuff I have been having classroom issues with my eight year olds' second grade class. What legally can be done? It is sad that it has come to that extreme. She has severe eczema, asthma and a new allergy to fragrances. We are still trying to weed out the triggers, with not much cooperation from school. We are also cutting out food dyes, too early to tel...See More
Mar 24, 2009
Cee Gee I am a teacher in a 3-5 grade school. Due to fragrances being demonstrated and sold in our school by an assistant, I suddenly became ill. Later learning it was indeed her product and they caused anaphylatic reactions. I now have Reactive Airways and irritable larynx.

The school policy is no perfume worn by students, but there is no such p...See More
Aug 15, 2009
Smartie Pants In accordance with the ADA: The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 guarantees access to people with disabilities to institutions, such as government agencies, libraries, doctor's offices, retail stores, and many others. The Social Security Administration recognizes allergic Asthma, Environmental Illness (EI) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (...See More
Aug 15, 2009

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