Health Education
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My student teacher has been looking for a song to help
teach the food pyramid. Any sights or suggestions you have
would be appreciated!
Student also /blockquote>

On 4/04/07, Kristy wrote:
> My student teacher has been looking for a song to help
> teach the food pyramid. Any sights or suggestions you have
> would be appreciated!

Try out these websites...
[link removed]

-This one really cracked me up. It's about eating fruits and
vegetable...See More
Apr 6, 2007
timmy On 4/04/07, Kristy wrote: > My student teacher has been looking for a song to help > teach the food pyramid. Any sights or suggestions you have > would be appreciated!

I am in 11 grade looking to teach 3-6 graders about eating and i can't find no good healthy song so if you can please email me with one i appreciate it Thanks Timmy...See More
Apr 23, 2009

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