Health Education
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As a future health education teacher i was wondering how
high school health teachers go about disciplining (for
tardiness, late assignments and other minor infractions)
their students. I know that with the increase in an
overweight youth and adolescents some health and PE
teachers are turning to a more "active" punishment such as
push-ups, crunches and other simple exercises. I was
wondering what the view on this form of discipline is in
compared to the traditional forms.
Patrick /blockquote>

On 1/30/08, kate wrote:
> As a future health education teacher i was wondering how
> high school health teachers go about disciplining (for
> tardiness, late assignments and other minor infractions)
> their students. I know that with the increase in an
> overweight youth and adolescents some h...See More
Feb 5, 2008
mrs. feely /blockquote>

I am doing my student teaching right now. I have the MOST
stubborn kids EVER! They wont do anything unless they know its
being graded. This includes, reading, discussion, or anything
fun. As far as discipline goes, the school has a 3 strikes
rule which can be used in ANY classroom. The first time, you
pu...See More
Feb 6, 2008

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