Health Education
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Dear Sarah, Please let me clarify your request. You do not
want to become a "gym" teacher, you would like to get your
degree in Physical Education I assume. I don't know what it
is to teach gym. If you intend to be a quality, respected
teacher of physical education you should really get your
terms right. A comprehensive physical education program
involves many disciplines, the largest being " health
related physcial fitness ". If you have already recieved
your undergraduate degree in physical education, I should
think you would know that. Graduate work in a health
curriculum will enhance your opportunity to be hired as a
physcial education/health teacher if you are looking to
complete the whole package. Good luck, keep reading
journals and know your content.
Patrick /blockquote>

On 1/31/08, Mrs. Prevolos wrote:
> Dear Sarah, Please let me clarify your request. You do not
> want to become a "gym" teacher, you would like to get your
> degree in Physical Education I assume. I don't know what it
> is to teach gym. If you intend to be a quality, respected
> teacher of phys...See More
Feb 5, 2008

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