Health Education
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Brisbane Australia.
My wife, Penny has, Sjrogrens.She has dry eyes(almost
unbearable at times)and dry mouth,which at times is very
painful.I read about the use of "Restasis" in the US.So,we
went there, got an appointment with a specialist,got a
prescription for Restasis, and she started using it straight
away.she "thinks"her eyes are marginally better than they
were before, but they are still shocking.She's using
"Refresh" at the moment,as well as the restasis,to try to
get some moisture into them,but they always feel as though
they are full of sand.Somebody in one of these forums is
using "soothe" with good results.Can someone give us some
ideas of other products to try ? any suggestions at all
would be appreciated.

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