Health Education
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I am a first year teacher in my second semester. I have a
class that is so small and every seat is filled, 37 kids.
There is so many kids and it takes so long to get them to
stop talking that I cant get my lessons done. Ive tried
various teaching techniuqes and discipline actions but they
wont stop talking. What do I do
Leah /blockquote>

Do they care about their grade in Health?
For every minute they take to settle down, add to the end of the period.
Do some hands on things.
Have them role play situations where they need to use refusal skills.
Have them earn time to discuss what is really on their mind or time to visit with
eac...See More
Feb 27, 2008
Me /blockquote>

I gave out a sheet with grades on it so far and one of the kids
who continualy talks approached me today, so at least one does.
Its hard to keep them at the end of the period because they have
lunch, and I dont want to hold them from not getting lunch and
get in trouble for that. Ive tried individually talking w...See More
Feb 27, 2008
Leah /blockquote>

You may find posting on the Classroom Management and Discipline Chatboards helpful.

p.s I didn't mean keep them in LONG when the class is over, but in one minute
increments. After explaining what you are doing, don't say anything, just write one
minute on the board, then two. Be sure to follow through.
Feb 28, 2008
good luck /blockquote>

On 2/27/08, Greg Tearfelder wrote:
> I am a first year teacher in my second semester. I have a
> class that is so small and every seat is filled, 37 kids.
> There is so many kids and it takes so long to get them to
> stop talking that I cant get my lessons done. Ive tried
> various teaching te...See More
Mar 11, 2008

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