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Hi again,

I think we should figure out what seeds we should plant this year, and which ones we should order from Burpees. Purple beans sound good, beets, tomatoes, squash...

Any special cukes? or just any kind or regular cukes?

Lettuce? Asparagus?

briar Hey, I am here.
Mar 6, 2009
briar Yeah, beets, toms, squash, lettuce, peas? I am game to try anything really. It will be fun to see what works.

Am racing today, tons of library visits with sawl right there with her kids too. I have kids coming in every period and have not had one second to myself. I scheduled to have the librarian explain the databases to the kids and she ...See More
Mar 6, 2009
Harbinger Screw sawl, you don't care about that moron.

Everything is allll right, and don't worry about stuff.

We are going to be OK no matter what.

I'm going to look for a good tire to dump in. :)

You are wuved!
Mar 6, 2009

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