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Hi Everyone,

My name is Allie and I'm working with the American Heart Association on their new "Be the Beat" initiative. It focuses on fun ways to educate tweens and teens on the basics of CPR.

The main site is at [link removed].

I wanted to see what you all think of the site and the lesson plans/materials. Is this something you would utilize in your classroom? Do you think your students would be interested in learning this material? I have a classroom's worth of AHA swag/goodies that I can give away to one random responder as a "thanks" for your input.

Thank you in advance. AHA and I really appreciate your feedback!

Renee Wow! I think this is a fantastic program! I am a 7th grade health teacher in Ohio. At the previous school I taught at, we had "dummies" that the kids could learn/practice CPR on. At my current school, we do not have the funds for these resources, therefore, teaching CPR is very difficult. I think the Be the Bear initiative offers a lot of great inf...See More
May 26, 2010
BeTheBeat Hi Renee,

Thank you so much for your response! Your feedback is good to hear and very helpful. I'd love to send the AHA swag to you for your students. I'm going to private message you for your address, but if for some reason it doesn't go through, feel free to email me at alliew[at]

Have a great Memorial Day weekend a...See More
May 28, 2010

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