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"Adapted Instruction: Denotation and Connotations" using eight to ten thematically linked words under the topic of nutrition. Using the topic of nutrition, define the words using objects, drawings or basic definitions (denotation). Provide connotative (the implied, emotional) meanings of the words, for example: red=irritated or angry. Provide representative sentences for the 8 to 10 words related to nutrition.

Please help me with this asap. Thank You
Dave I cant believe you have a problem with this. Ok so come up with 10 words relatd to nutrition (foods for example) along the long side of a piece of construction paper or colored paper. Across the top write denotation in one colume and connotation in a second colum. For each one identify or define the item such as (fish = an animal that swims in wate...See More
Feb 11, 2011

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