Healthy Teachers
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My biggest health problem during school is staying hydrated. I am diabetic and need to lose weight. My portable classroom is far from the building. When there's 3+ hours between times when I can access the bathroom, I tend to not drink anything during the day. This makes my sugars run high and keeps me from losing weight. Any suggestions are welcome.
Janine Spiess I notice that I drink less when I have longer times between breaks. If your longest block of time is in the morning, start drinking more as soon as students are gone. Keep it up through the evening and that will help with hydration in the mornings. Also keep in mind to sip small amounts of water during the long class time so you don't end of guzzli...See More
Jun 13, 2011
mrsd I need to drink lots of water because of medication I'm on. I found that if I drink lots during the summer, my body gets used to it so that I don't have to run to the bathroom all the time. Do you have a teacher near you who could spell you? The teacher next door and I take turns sometimes. We just stand in the hallway and watch both classrooms whi...See More
Jun 15, 2011
Betty Ann Good ideas here. Another thought is to try not drinking very much the first couple of hours of that block. Then, as the break time approaches, intentionally start drinking water again. A little experimenting will help you learn how much you can drink--and how soon.

On 6/15/11, mrsd wrote: > I need to drink lots of water because of medic...See More
Jun 16, 2011

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