Healthy Teachers
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I have very sensitivce eyes. I swear I can get an infection just from something in the poison ivy on my skin.

I have to put eye drops in my eyes a lot during the day. many times, it's during class or I can't even open my eyes or see. So, I'm touching my eyes a lot. Rubbing them if I'm in study hall and dont' have the drops. If i have the drops and somewhere without a sink or hand disinfectant, I put the in anyway because I need them so much. Restasis did nothing for my problems.

Anyway. Pink-eye. Ahhhhh... I cleared out files the last 2 days of school and bam! pink-eye my first day out of work.

anyone else get it
nfm Have you tried Zaditor? It's an antihistamine eye drop solution. I put one drop in each eye before putting contacts in the morning. I've found it really helps during allergy season; otherwise, I would go from itchy eyes one day to gross infection the next day.

On 6/16/11, muse wrote: > I have very sensitivce eyes. I swear I can get an &...See More
Jun 17, 2011
Number404 Dear nfm,

I almost didn't open your post and read what you said in it. The nfm you are seeing on the boards means 'no further message' and is saying there is no need to click on and read inside the post, that all the information has been typed in the subject and name fields.
Jun 18, 2011
m My father has severe dry eyes that have been very difficult to find a solution for. However, unlike you he has not been getting eye infections, though. Just a disclaimer there.

He is currently trying Restasis, which doesn't seen to be doing a whole lot, but the dr. said it will take 3 mos. to work. I think it's been a couple of months. ...See More
Jun 20, 2011

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