One of the most important articles you will read during this school year, this timeless and popular piece is better read now than later. (Click below to access the article.)
A study showed that in the classroom where the teacher greeted the students at the door, there was an increase in student engagement from 45 percent to 72 percent. How it's done makes a difference.
Read the linked article by Harry and Rosemary Wong to learn simple and enjoyable techniques for starting class every day.
Pritika PrasadI agree with this. Every morning, I stand at the classroom door and greet my students before they enter the class. This brings a smile on their face and also has helped them settle down in their morning routine. They are able to take their pencil cases out of their bags quickly and settle on the floor waiting for the day to begin.
a. 1st - Financial Literacy Course (semester course) (I’m verifying the name of the course so that I can get you the right TEKS) b. 2nd – Securities/Investments (yearlong course) c. 3rd – 4th, 6th – 8th – Principles of Business, Marketing & Finance (yearlong course)
Is anyone familiar with any useful website for teachers to teach abroad or website to find some high school teaching jobs abroad in China or Asian countries?
We have been teaching overseas since 2005 and now teach with DoDDS in Japan.
7/27/16, Daniel wrote: > Is anyone familiar with any useful website for teachers > to teach abroad or website to find some high school > teaching jobs abroad in China or Asian countries?
Maybe the problem is unique to me. But I don’t think so. I’ve seen too many crossed out names in books I’ve picked up in second hand stores. [Click below to read the rest of Sarah Powley's essay.]
Core muscle strength actually affects the area of the brain which controls executive function. Research shows that only one in twelve students now has the core muscle strength and balance of students from the 1980’s, only 1 in 12!!
Interestingly, the 1980s is when many schools began to reduce recess and playtime in schools. (It is also when child obesity rates began to climb at an alarming rate.)
Click below to read more about why it's important that educators fight for more activity and exercise during the school day.