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Does anyone have this in their school? Evidently the students get 1 hour for lunch, where they go to either tutorials or club activities for half of it, then lunch for the other half. They eat where they want to. Teachers will either have tutorials or club activities.

This is very new, I don't know what to think or how it works. Anyone else do this?
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piare2 On 7/24/12, Henry wrote: > On 7/23/12, piare2 wrote: >> Does anyone have this in their school? Evidently the >> students get 1 hour for lunch, where they go to either >> tutorials or club activities for half of it, then lunch for >> the other half. They eat where they want to. Teachers will >> either have tutorials ...See More
Jul 25, 2012
hst On 7/25/12, piare2 wrote: > On 7/24/12, Henry wrote: >> >> Keeps you busy since teachers almost always have some group in >> there re mediating most days. Get used to eating at your desk > > That's what I was wondering... once they are in your room for > whatever reason, don't they just sort of stay through lunch? I &g...See More
Jul 26, 2012
Teri I can't imagine the ruckus if they tried that here. Don't your contracts include a "duty free" lunch?

On 7/26/12, hst wrote: > On 7/25/12, piare2 wrote: >> On 7/24/12, Henry wrote: >>> >>> Keeps you busy since teachers almost always have some group in >>> there re mediating most days. Get used to eating ...See More
Jul 27, 2012
piare2 Our Education Code requires a duty free lunch, better than in the contract, it's a law. I'm curious to learn how all of this will work.

On 7/27/12, Teri wrote: > I can't imagine the ruckus if they tried that here. Don't your > contracts include a "duty free" lunch? > > On 7/26/12, hst wrote: >> On 7/25/12, piare2 wrote: &...See More
Jul 28, 2012
hst You may find it will be set up that you have 2 "lunch" periods each day, then are expected to hold tutorial and/or have duty for 5 of those periods a week, leaving 1 lunch period each day for you "duty-free." I am just saying, as was at least one other poster, that it is hard to keep away the students on those other periods - weather is bad so they...See More
Jul 29, 2012

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