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Hello everyone, I teach Drama at Secondary School in The UK to children aged 12-18 years old. I have always wanted to live and work in Canada so would just like to check a few things.

Firstly, is Drama taught as a subject at the age range I have trained to teach or is it only offered as an extra curricular subject? Provision varies from school to school in the UK, but generally children are required to study drama from their first to third years of high school, then opt to take it at GCSE (2 year exam subject) in theirs 4th year of high school before again having the chance to select it as an A-Level (another 2 years with exams at the end of the course.) beginning in their 6th year of high school.

Secondly, I have heard wildly contrasting stories about how difficult it is to secure employment at Canadian schools. Are there any provinces/ specific cities and towns where it is particularly difficult or easier?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

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