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I am an educator and currently work in admissions at a high school in New York City. I have my California state teaching license and have been out of the classroom for two years now. I am planning on applying for teaching jobs and getting back into the classroom in 2020. I miss the students, constant learning, and energy. To show that I am dedicated and eager, I have started to develop a course and work on lesson plans for a 12th grade U.S. Government class that I could link to and use in my application process, and hopefully my teaching career should I be fortunate enough to teach Government. I have only completed the first unit, but I would be extremely grateful for any feedback. Once you click on each black lesson square, the slides and assignments highlighted in green are all downloadable. I hope that you have a wonderful, restful summer, and look forward to connecting with you soon!

I would like to explore this in further detail. I don't have time for it now. I making a nursing tasks is what I'm working on, and it's not simple. For me, this source has turned into a blessing https://www.nursingpaper.com/nursing-homework/ This will help me to complete everything on schedule and avoid expending all of my energy on one assignment.
Jan 8, 2024

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