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    I need help! Our fabulous bookkeeper is leaving us this week due to her husband's job relocating. Need some funny top tens for bookkeeper for her farewell reception. Looking to do a funny top ten.
    Hi - I'm a UK-based teacher turned stand-up comedian, and as well as touring a teacher-themed stand-up comedy around UK Arts Centres and Theatres, I'm creating a teacher-themed narrative on twitter; a fictional school full of dysfunctional but good-natured teachers... currently at the one-liner exposition stage. Go to favorites and read from bottom...See More
    UK-based teacher turned stand-up comedian... as well as touring a teacher-themed stand-up comedy around UK Arts Centres and Theatres, I'm creating a teacher-themed narrative on twitter; a fictional school full of dysfunctional but good-natured teachers... currently at the one-liner exposition stage. Go to favorites and read from bottom up...
    As a prostective teacher, I've seen many different professionals use sarcasm in the classroom, both as a way to manage the classroom, but also just to lighten the mood. I can observe the short term effects, but I was wondering if anyone has observed long term effects of using sarcasm to communicate with students. Is it as damaging as all the textbo...See More
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    Beth Special Needs I think sarcasm is a form verbal bullying. It hurts and scars. Humor is very different and is not mean spirited or used to degrade. I was in the bank the other day and realized that the assistant to my investment manager and I went to the same high school, We immediately recalled the chemistry teacher as our favorite teacher because of his humor an...See More
    Jul 30, 2013
    Kina Ms.Persa If there is humor in ur class tell them that what ur teaching is a humor If u may tell them
    Jul 30, 2013
    I am collecting stories for a book I am compiling and am looking for stories from teachers. The stories should be humorous in nature and share an incident that personally happened to you in the classroom setting or with a specific student. Please send them to [email removed]
    Not all meetings are soul-numbing, and faculty meetings could sometimes be interesting. But it didn’t help that they would come at the end of the day. Usually, they would be in the library, where the late day sun streaming in had a soporific effect on participants. As did the sonorous tones of most principals. Worse, they would sometimes want to ...See More
    hone rings at 5:45AM) Good morning Mr. H. Are you available to sub today? It would be at the Elementary Scool, for Mrs. C's 3rd grade class.

    Ahh...well.... I usually work at the High School, but I'll give it a try.

    (Bell rings at 8:00) OK.... everyone sit down please! I need to take attendance. Now, I seem to have misplaced my gla...See More
    Artist-illustrator Tim Newlin of (familiar to many readers of Teachers.Net Gazette for his quirky articles) is creating comics based upon famous quotations. Click below to check out the first of many we'll be sharing.

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