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Kindergarteners are funny.. you never know what they're
going to say!

One of my little guys had a case of the hiccups this
morning. He came up to me quite seriously and said "Miss W,
I'm hicking up! That means I'm growing!"

I got a little giggle out of that one, especially with how
serious he was... in between hiccups. :)

Jeff /blockquote>

On 2/23/05, Allison W wrote:
> Kindergarteners are funny.. you never know what they're
> going to say!
> One of my little guys had a case of the hiccups this
> morning. He came up to me quite seriously and said "Miss W,
> I'm hicking up! That means I'm growing!"
> I ...See More
Apr 5, 2005
kaz /blockquote>

Dont know if you guys can help me but my grandpa, dad and
sister all get the hiccups like every day but not the ordinary
hiccups just like 10 or 20 is this normal, and is there
anything that we can do to stop it. Cus it is not only
annoying for them but annioying for everyone else!
Aug 30, 2005

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