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It's 3 am and I'm supposed to be preparing my "concept
development" class. We had a very helpful model! It went
like this: DOG see this dog? He's huge and has brown hair
what about this one-- medium sized with spots look at him--
tiny and black They all have 4 legs, a tail, 2 ears (maybe
others? I spaced out for a few minutes in class here :) so
that's a DOG!

After class I asked what I thought was an obvious question
"You said we need to list 5 non-essential charactoristics,
but how many essential charactoristics do we need?" She--
and the other students standing around-- looked at me like
she couldn't have heard a dumber question from one of the
model dogs and said "HOWEVER MANY THERE ARE!". Ohh.. so we
got all the essential charactoristics of dog from your
demonstration, huh? Let's test that theory!

Test question: Name one essential charactoristic of a dog
Answer student gives for each test: 4 legs...See More
WF /blockquote>

I find your post interesting but I wonder how much it has to
do with 'concept development'. It rather seems to be a
presentation of what characteristics the concept of the DOG
covers and how much this content depends on the demands of
the situation. The development of this concept, its progress ...See More
Jan 4, 2006
OP /blockquote>

Well it's been about year since I wrote the post, but if anyone
is still reading...:).
First, sorry about how hard my orginal post was to read; somehow
the formatting came out badly on the screeen. Also: yes I know I
misspelled characteristic-- as I said it was 3 am when I wrote
the post :).

I compl...See More
May 28, 2006
OP /blockquote>

Well it's been about year since I wrote the post, but if anyone
is still reading...:).
First, sorry about how hard my orginal post was to read; somehow
the formatting came out badly on the screeen. Also: yes I know I
misspelled characteristic-- as I said it was 3 am when I wrote
the post :).

I compl...See More
May 28, 2006
sorry, I meant "thanks" for the comment (nfm) /blockquote>

On 5/28/06, OP wrote:
> Well it's been about year since I wrote the post, but if anyone
> is still reading...:).
> First, sorry about how hard my orginal post was to read; somehow
> the formatting came out badly on the screeen. Also: yes I know I
> misspelled characteristic-- as I said it was...See More
May 30, 2006

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