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I am an 8th grade math teacher. Last year my school had a
fundraiser for the American Red Cross. Students were
allowed to duct tape some of their teachers to the gym
wall. Each student bought a piece of tape for $1.00 and
stuck it across me until I was stuck to the wall. The
principal then thought it would be funny to put a piece of
tape across my mouth, bringing in cheers from all the
students. He then asked me how I felt. I said "MMMMMMMMM!"
Everyone laughed. My students really enjoyed seeing me
gagged. It was fun, but a little nerve-racking until they
finally untaped me.
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tricia /blockquote>

On 7/08/07, colleen wrote:
> I absolutely love this idea...mind if we borrow it?

I'm glad you like it. Feel free to borrow it if you want. As
long as you do mind being taped up in front of your students.
LOL. Have fun!!!
Jul 8, 2007
Ed Heatherton /blockquote>

I love this idea? how much duct tape did you need before you
actually stuck to the wall???
Jul 27, 2007
sweetteach /blockquote>

I would like to know more about this!! I want to do this too.
Can you answer some ?'s for me.
How long is the tape piece that's sold for 1$?
Does it take off paint?
Did you have a saying to go with it??
Any rules involved?
Thanks for responding to me.

n 6/17/07, Tricia C. wrote:
> I am an ...See More
Aug 21, 2007
Kathy /blockquote>

We did this at our school this year. In order to move the
process along the duct tape was precut into pieces about a
meter. You need to be able to make good contact with the wall
on each side of the "volunteer" inorder for the tape to hold.
Our teacher was on a platform which was moved away after the
tap...See More
Aug 21, 2007
Yuliana /blockquote>

Sounds like fun. I wouldn't mind duct taping some of my
college professors, I mean as a fundraiser of course. LOL

On 6/17/07, Tricia C. wrote:
> I am an 8th grade math teacher. Last year my school had a
> fundraiser for the American Red Cross. Students were
> allowed to duct tape some of the...See More
Oct 2, 2007

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