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I teach pre-k and we have a housekeeping area set up for
our dramatic play. One of the little girls was in the
center with one of the little boys the other day and she
said, "If you don't straighten up -- I'm LEAVING YOU!" It
caught me by surprise. I realized that she must be hearing
this at home, but I couldn't help but laughing. It's great
how something unsuspected can turn around a day for a
Heather Ayers /blockquote>

This is such a coincidence. I am currently an Elementary
Education major. We were discussing in my Early Childhood
class that children imitate their parents and those around
them. We are also discussing language development in children
from birth to age seven. This is a prime example of that and I
look forwar...See More
Jan 25, 2008
Torie /blockquote>

On 11/17/07, Pre-k teacher wrote:
> I teach pre-k and we have a housekeeping area set up for
> our dramatic play. One of the little girls was in the
> center with one of the little boys the other day and she
> said, "If you don't straighten up -- I'm LEAVING YOU!" It
> caught me by surpris...See More
Jan 30, 2008
Kindergarten kitchen funny Two of my little girls went into the kitchen play area. One said "I'm going to be the mom." THe other said (with a big smile on her face) "Are you going to yell at me?!"
May 25, 2008

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